Services – old

[insuranced_heading title=”Services” image=”8″]
[insuranced_breadcrumbs items=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%22Home%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22%23%22%7D%2C%7B%22title%22%3A%22Services%22%2C%22url%22%3A%22%23%22%7D%5D”]
[insuranced_title title=”What can we do for you?” text=”We have formed partnerships with some of the nation’s top carriers to provide our customers with the most competitive coverage and pricing on the market. We are not here to just save our clients’ money when we sign them up, but to continue to re-shop their insurance annually. These partnerships are what give us an edge on our competitors. We can be of assistance to all your personal, commercial and life insurance needs.”]
[insuranced_services title=”Select An Insurance” marker=”01.”]We offer Home, Auto, Life, and all Business / Commercial Insurances. Whether you have to make a decision fast or are simply browsing we can find a solution to fit your needs and your budget.[/insuranced_services]
[insuranced_services title=”Get a Free Quote” marker=”02.”]We are happy to provide you with a free quote – or several!  Go to our quote page and fill out the appropriate form(s) based on the insurance you are interested in and we will find a solution for you![/insuranced_services]
[insuranced_icon_text icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-bungalow” title=”Home Insurance” icon_color=”#5dc560″ button=”|title:Get%20a%20Quote||”]We can find great rates on home insurance coverage and work with you to settle claims efficiently.[/insuranced_icon_text]
[insuranced_icon_text icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-reviewer” title=”Life Insurance” icon_color=”#5dc560″ button=”|title:Get%20a%20Quote||”]We can help find a plan that will protect your family should tragedy strike.[/insuranced_icon_text]
[insuranced_icon_text icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-car” title=”Auto Insurance” icon_color=”#5dc560″ button=”|title:Get%20a%20Quote||”]Good auto insurance coverage will keep your car on the road. We can find great rates for you.[/insuranced_icon_text]
[insuranced_icon_text icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-apartment” title=”Commercial Insurance” icon_color=”#5dc560″ button=”|title:Get%20a%20Quote||”]We handle all types of commercial insurance. Get in touch with us to see how we can help.[/insuranced_icon_text]
[insuranced_icon_text icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-online-support” title=”Excellent Support” icon_color=”#5dc560″ button=”|title:Contact%20Us||”]We are happy to assist you at every step of the process. Just reach out and we will find a solution.[/insuranced_icon_text]
[insuranced_icon_text icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-currency-exchange” title=”Annual Rate Checks” icon_color=”#5dc560″ button=”|title:Learn%20More||”]We annually check all of our customers active rates to make sure they absolutely have the best deal on their insurance![/insuranced_icon_text]
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