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[insuranced_slider el_class=”mobileBarNone”][insuranced_slider_item icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-debt” fbutton_show=”show” fb_arrow=”show” sbutton_show=”show” sb_arrow=”show” title=”Insuring Your Future” text=”Donec lacinia sapien nunc, sed luctus dui volutpat maget eget.
Proin idmattis neque. Donec ac arcu ac elit sodales vulputate
orci.” image=”192″ ntitle=”How We Work” stitle=”Lorem ipsum asmo dolor” fbutton=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fthurmondinsurance.com%2Fservices%2F|title:Browse%20Services||” sbutton=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fthurmondinsurance.com%2Fquote%2F|title:Get%20a%20Quote||” fb_color=”#0f1a52″ fbh_color=”#00236b”][/insuranced_slider]
[insuranced_slider el_class=”mobileBar”][insuranced_slider_item icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-debt” fbutton_show=”show” fb_arrow=”show” sbutton_show=”show” sb_arrow=”show” title=”Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider” text=”As Dave Ramsey’s recommended home and auto insurance expert, we can save you money by showing you dozens of policies from different companies. I’ll work with you to get insurance that fits your budget and your needs.” image=”667″ ntitle=”Dave Ramsey ELP” stitle=”We Are An Endorsed Local Provider” fbutton=”url:%23daveELP|title:Why%20Choose%20An%20ELP%3F||” sbutton=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fthurmondinsurance.com%2Fquote%2F|title:Get%20a%20Quote||” fb_color=”#0f1a52″ fbh_color=”#00236b”][insuranced_slider_item icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-center-direction” fbutton_show=”show” fb_arrow=”show” sbutton_show=”show” sb_arrow=”show” title=”Insuring Your Future” text=”We save our customers money on all types of insurance. We are happy to provide you with a free quote – or several! Go to our quote page and fill out the online quote form!” image=”212″ ntitle=”Get A Free Quote” stitle=”How Much Can You Save?” fbutton=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fthurmondinsurance.com%2Fservice%2F|title:Browse%20Services||” sbutton=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fthurmondinsurance.com%2Fquote%2F|title:Get%20a%20Quote||” fb_color=”#0f1a52″ fbh_color=”#00236b”][/insuranced_slider]
[insuranced_title title=”Services” text=”At Thurmond Insurance Group, our primary focus is to deliver quality service and tailored, cost-effective insurance solutions people in Kentucky and Tennessee. As Dave Ramsey’s Endorsed Local Provider for home and auto insurance we are held to a high standard of great service. Building trust and long-standing relationships with our clients is what is important to us.”]
[insuranced_text_block style=”style2″ title_tag=”h3″ title=”Home Insurance” image=”505″ css=”.vc_custom_1501487158785{margin-top: -1px !important;}”]Your home is the center of your daily life, and likely your most valuable asset. We understand that when your home is damaged or destroyed, you need your claim settled efficiently.[/insuranced_text_block]
[insuranced_text_block style=”style2″ title_tag=”h3″ title=”Auto Insurance” image=”503″]The right, affordable auto insurance policy can help get you back on the road quickly if your car is damaged or destroyed by an accident, fire, theft, or other event covered by your insurance policy.[/insuranced_text_block]
[insuranced_text_block style=”style2″ title_tag=”h3″ title=”Life Insurance” image=”502″]Life Insurance from Thurmond Insurance Group is simply protection to ensure that your family will have financial security if something tragic should happen to you or to a family member.[/insuranced_text_block]
[insuranced_text_block style=”style2″ title_tag=”h3″ title=”Commercial Insurance” image=”504″]We understand how much time, money, and energy is invested into your business. We will find the perfect, cost-effective insurance package to protect your investments and assets.[/insuranced_text_block]
[insuranced_text_block style=”style3″ title_tag=”h3″ title=”Why People Choose Us?” css=”.vc_custom_1477928978675{margin-top: 0px !important;}”][/insuranced_text_block][insuranced_icon_text style=”style2″ icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-circled-right-2″ title=”We are Independent Insurance Experts” text=”Mauris volutpat nulla a enim efficitur elementum poritor at diam aliquam et elit elementum, fermentum nisl sed, pellentesque mares. Integer blandit erat bibendum pulvinar lobortis. Mauris sed turpis.” icon_color=”#5dc560″]Unlike an agent that works solely for a big insurance company, an independent agent has more resources available to help you. The more resources available, the more likely you are to save hundreds of dollars on your insurance.[/insuranced_icon_text][insuranced_icon_text style=”style2″ icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-circled-right-2″ title=”We Are A Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider” text=”Mauris volutpat nulla a enim efficitur elementum poritor at diam aliquam et elit elementum, fermentum nisl sed, pellentesque mares. Integer blandit erat bibendum pulvinar lobortis. Mauris sed turpis.” icon_color=”#5dc560″]As Dave Ramsey’s recommended home and auto insurance expert, I can save you money by showing you dozens of policies from different companies. I’ll work with you to get insurance that fits your budget and your needs. I’ll do the leg work for you and bring you the best rates I find. On top of that, I’ll never try to sell you any insurance you don’t need. And unlike the online insurance providers, I’ll actually give you personalized attention and help whenever you have questions or concerns.[/insuranced_icon_text]
[insuranced_banner align=”left” style=”style2″ a_icon=”icons8-phone” image=”554″ title=”Do You Have Any Questions?” text=”Integer mattis, orci id laoreet vulputate, urna diam gravida elit, sit amet scelerisque orci dolor id risus. Cras ullamcorper lacus sapien. Vivamus ante magna, congue quis semper quis, ullami.” button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fthurmondinsurance.com%2Fquote%2F|title:Get%20a%20Free%20Quote||” button_color=”#5dc560″ h_color=”#5dc560″ a_title=”Call us: (859) 757-4696″ a_link=”tel:8597574696″]Feel free to give us a call! We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you’d like go ahead and fill out our online quote form by clicking the button below. We can discuss how much money we can save you when you call in![/insuranced_banner]
[insuranced_title el_class=”daveRamsey” title=”Why Use Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Providers (ELP)?” css=”.vc_custom_1501491973552{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}” text=”Dave Ramsey is a personal money-management expert, national radio talk show host, television host, and New York Times best-selling author. He’s helped millions of people get out of debt and build wealth.”]
[insuranced_icon_text style=”style4″ icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-idea” title=”ELPs Help You Win” text=”Nunc sed mauris scelerisque, consetur ante in,vehula urna. Etiam oare ac dolor et feu. Sed scelerisque, tellus non conequat molstie.” icon_color=”#5dc560″ button=”url:%23|title:Learn%20More||”]With an ELP, you know for sure that you’re getting the same type of advice that Dave would give. You can trust ELPs because Dave has a 20-person team that works with every ELP to make sure they meet your standards and give you great advice.[/insuranced_icon_text][insuranced_icon_text style=”style4″ icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-discount” title=”ELPs Earn Dave’s Endorsement” text=”Maecenas at nisi quam. Donec a ipsum elit. Vivamus augue leo, vehicula et dui necidnunc ligula turpis, tristique ac sem sit amet” icon_color=”#5dc560″ button=”url:%23|title:Learn%20More||”]Being an ELP isn’t easy; it’s hard work because ELPs are held to a higher standard of excellence. While ELPs do pay a fee to cover program maintenance and employment costs, Dave’s endorsement is not bought–it’s earned.[/insuranced_icon_text]
[insuranced_icon_text style=”style4″ icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-currency-exchange” title=”ELPs Save You Money” text=”Nunc sed mauris scelerisque, consetur ante in,vehula urna. Etiam oare ac dolor et feu. Sed scelerisque, tellus non conequat molstie.” icon_color=”#5dc560″ button=”url:%23|title:Learn%20More||”]ELPs are committed to helping you find the best rates. On top of that, they’ll never try to sell you any insurance you don’t need. And unlike the online insurance providers, they’ll actually give you personalized attention and help whenever you have questions or concerns.[/insuranced_icon_text][insuranced_icon_text style=”style4″ icon_type=”ticon” ticon=”icons8-overtime” title=”ELPs Are Constantly Evaluated” text=”Nunc sed mauris scelerisque, consetur ante in,vehula urna. Etiam oare ac dolor et feu. Sed scelerisque, tellus non conequat molstie.” icon_color=”#5dc560″ button=”url:%23|title:Learn%20More||”]Every ELP’s performance is evaluated monthly to make sure you get the best agent possible. Also, you have a chance to grade the ELP you use based on your personal experience through a survey provided by Dave.[/insuranced_icon_text]
[insuranced_title title=”Our Clients Say” text=”We are proud to provide services that bring value to our customers. We are always happy to hear what they have have to say!”][insuranced_testimonials tax=”about-us” style=”modern” count=”100″]
[insuranced_banner style=”style4″ title=”We’re ready to work with you” text=”Integer mattis, orci id laoreet vulputate, urna diam gravida elit, sit amet scelerisque orci dolor id risus.
Cras ullamcorper lacus sapien. Vivamus ante magna, congue quis semper quis, ullamcorper et nisi.
Aliquam ut scelerisque enim. Ut porta condimentum nisi, eget porttitor lacus mollis id.” button=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fthurmondinsurance.com%2Fquote%2F|title:Get%20a%20Quote||” button_color=”#667fff” h_color=”#5161cc” o_color=”#0f1a52″]Can we help you save money on insurance? We almost always do! Fill out a quote and we will get back to you with an estimate of how much you can save.[/insuranced_banner]
[insuranced_title title=”Our Insurance Providers” text=”We will sort through hundreds of different insurance plans to find your absolute best fit. Below are some of the insurance providers we are proud to work with.”]
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